She lowered the blood stained sword.
Walked across the battlefield
All her wounds already healed.
Her sister, brother, friend all have gone
Ran when she lost control, she couldn't stop
The purple eyes filled with anger, fear, and bloodlust all in one.
She couldn't control the bloodlust and anger
So all she had was fear.
Why must she have this power?
Killed so many at so young
Wisdom beyond her years
Nat knew she used up most of her power
She must get out of this field.
Why can't she remember what happened?
Not remembering her own battle
Not knowing what really happened
Or what she did to her enemies
Dropping her sword
Stumbling across the bodies
She walked into the forest
Away from the blood soaked ground
Trying to find a place to rest
Before trying to find her friends
This poor little girl with no real family
Her hazel eyes staring at the moon
A willow tree in the woods provides a place
She closed her eyes and slept
Little seven year old Nat
Until her power wakes her up.
Please comment on this post on what you think of my writing style now and how is was when I wrote this.