My birthday is in May (Taurus)
I've always hated my real name (It's way too long, and half shows up on those tests where you need to fill in names like the PSAT's)
Hate eating meat like cow/beef, goat (Tried only once), sheep, anything hunted,anything I don't know what it is. (I'm okay with pork, turkey and chicken. That's it.)
Love sugar, like candy (Swedish Fish all the way), or soda.
I read/watch alot of manga/anime. Some may say I'm obsessed. And I am. Quite a lot actually.
Whenever I eat sugar, I sit like L (Death Note). Unless it's like a stool, in which case I'll fall off.
I do my best writing near water, late evening, early dawn, anytime at night I see the moon.
I hate writing in pencil, I always use pen. Pencils make that scratching noise I can't stand. (And pens are so much cheaper. You get those freebie pens from businesses and last a while whenever I get them.)
I love bunnies, rabbits, and chinchillas. If you knew Japanese, you would know Usagi means rabbit and Hikari means light.
I own one cat and call him many names. Nekozawa (Ouran High School Host Club), Kuro Neko (Black Cat), and Ray-ray (His real name in Raven and hates the Ray-ray name). Sometime when I'm bored I try different names to see which will work better. He response the most to Food.
I'm actually have more intelligence than most people but I never show it because it makes my friends laugh and I become the butt of their jokes.
Love music!! I wish I could play the violin/fiddle but never had the chance. I can sing any tune but can't read scales/sheet music unless I heard it before. I'm now trying to get a celtic harp but the money aspect....
I have a very short temper, so when I get mad normally I can hold it in, but sometimes I would start to cry. When I'm sad, I almost never cry, I cry when I'm mad.
I love to play on Wikipedia and search new things.
I live online. I do everything I can, like work on GIMP, researching, typing, playing, reading, watching, singing, and a hell of a lot of other things.
I can never go anywhere without a notebook. At school I carry around eleven notebooks in my backpack. Some are for notes though. In the middle of my Spanish notes, I started one story and the same with my Chemestry notes.
I am Wicca. It's hard for most people to understand so I try to explain it as best as I can. I'm still in training but I have no teacher, only two books and the internet. I have to hide it from my fully Catholic family and a few of my friends. Most are okay with it though.