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Sunday, May 8, 2011

Song Of The Battle Epilogue

I was brought before the King and his counsel
As I was found out for being a woman.
My face was behind a mask since the day you died
When they asked me why I went into battle
"I am a warrior"
When they asked me why I cried and screamed that day
"He died"
They were unimpressed by my lack of response
"I went into battle to serve instead of cower in a corner,
"I cried because I loved him!
"He knew I was a woman but still let me fight."
A soldier would normally have been sentenced to the stocks
For loving another soldier.
A woman would normally have been executed publicly
For being in the army.
Because of my victory and my valor, I lived
You were given a hero's burial on the field.
I built myself a house near a river and made myself a living in the village
As the years past, I walked everyday to see you.
The scars that were left on my heart that day haven't faded
I sit next to you on that field, telling you how much I love you
Though you can't be here with me.
The only place where I every remove my mask is with you
Where I can sit and talk to you with my real smile
Even though you are gone, I still sing my song to you.