I wrote this in honor of those that were lost to us during the 9/11 attacks. Though I can't remember much of what happened that day ten years ago, I still know those that were lost haven't been forgotten by those who they left.
An eighty-four year old man holds a candle for his childhood friend, who was still sweeping the floors.
"Lest we forget."
A woman sets down a photograph of the last family portrait, taken less than a week before.
"I'll never forget you honey."
A young man carries a bouquet of her favourite flowers, as it was her first day of her new job.
"I will always love ya sis."
A ten year old boy stands before a crowd, talking about his father, who he had never met.
"We will miss you."
Though the stories are different, the idea is the same
And though the backgrounds are different, the love is true
For those who are lost and those that were found.
We all will remember no matter age
For those who are gone are never forgotten.
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May those who died live in a better place now.