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Saturday, April 21, 2012

Introduction To my newest Project~!

Sorry, for my prolonged absence from posting poems and such. I say this often, but I worked on stories a lot more now. Poems are more of a side bit when I'm really bored (which doesn't happen when I'm watching Korean Dramas) or when I have writer's block.
Recently, I found a page of a story I started a such a long time ago, the page started fading from white to a beige. Seeing that I knew this would only make it to another short story, I decided that it would be a good experiment to see if I could hand write a 20 page story, cranking out 1 page (front and back) every week.
So, in exactly 2-3 weeks, I'll type out the story from the pages on here once a week. And if I miss a week, the next week, two parts will be posted up. This will be done each Monday until I finish the story. This does mean there may be a very long break in between when Summer arrives, but I'll cross that bridge when I get there.
So, look forward to this newest "Blog Novel". If it works out, I'll do more works like them. Without further ado, here is the summery (just like you find on the back of a book) and the title.

Erased Out

Alienia Brate just got into on of the most respectable schools in the whole country. Her homeroom teacher is understanding and sympathetic towards her and new friends help her from day one. No mean feat for Alienia, for she has been a mute since the accident that claimed her mother and left her little sister in a coma. But behind the normal academy life, a darkness waits behind the scenes. Through the lavish extracurricular activities and great teachers, a dark message warns her on day one.
"LighT in ClUB Of dArk
-be aware"
This one message written on piece of paper will carry Alienia farther into this wealthy world of allies and enemies then she would have ever imagined. Or have wanted to. 
That one wrong word could have you erased from what could have been. Blacked out from history, like it never even happened.

Hope that made some of you wonder! I haven't even finished the story, so it's a surprise even to me how it will end. Look forward to my unedited works! Only one other person will be able to read these before they are posted so I'm going to say it now. I'm not going to give any people who ask a sneak peak. What's written above is all you're getting! See you all soon with part 1!!!!

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