So Here's a bit of a Prologue before tomorrows release of Erased Out! I already gave you a bit of a synopsis, so here's some dedication bits and more information on later release dates.
Information: Since I really don't know how long this whole project will take there will be a five week break during the summer when I'll be without a blogger access. Sorry in advanced, but that will also give me loads of time to catch up since all of this needs to be written out in hand first. I really hope it doesn't actually take to long. If it does, I may have to push it up to two parts a week.
First off, to my editor of this story who has been making sure I get a few parts a week, and my good friend (who is at the moment taking a nap for a few hours before we have to get up for the day), Squirrel. She really deserves the dedication this round! So cheers to her and hope you all enjoy this project that it has been an honour to write.
Thanks to everybody who will read this as it comes out, so here's a sneak peak that I just decided to come up with on the spot for waiting so nicely. I'm going to make it fit in the story
Alienia Brate walked out of the gates of the campus that was going to be her newest High School. She gave a gracious nod to the guard who had opened the gate for her earlier in the day and looked back over the building that was looming over her back. How she was ever going to survive tomorrow, she didn't know. She had gone only gone to public schools her whole life, now she was supposed to just fit into a life that never would have fit her anyway, even if she was born into it. Prestige, wealth, and fame. What she wouldn't do to normally stay out of that kind of life. She sighed and turned back to the road with her newest uniform and backpack hung over her arm, unaware that a few groups of people were watching her from the building.
"Are you sure we should just let her be? I mean, what if she becomes the next pawn for the student council. She looks to much like-"
An older figure closer to the window stopped him by raising his hand.
"She's a transfer student. She's never like those kind of people. And we're also those kind of people. Just keep an eye on her. Be nice. Even you could do that. Right, top student?" A smirk crossed the older one's face as the other one cringed back a bit.
"Don't call me that. Even if your my club leader, I won't take it."
"I understand. Just help me out Kyoya. I made sure you had similar classes. Keep an eye on her and keep tabs of the student council. They won't mess with you, but she's new bait for them. You owe me one! I made sure she was fine, so you watch over this one. Got it?"
Kyoya bowed his head slightly to the one still watching Alienia walk away from the school. "I understand."
"President! What are you going to do with the new transfer, Miss Brate?"
The President glanced out the window as the student in question rounded the corner, out of sight.
"I believe she will become slowly untouchable."
"Sir? What do you mean?"
"Send Kaye out. He has the most tact out of everyone. He can plan something with that girl he likes. We must try and keep it natural though. No smothering her. We know what could happen with that plan. Understand?"
"Yes sir. I'll get right to it."
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