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Monday, May 28, 2012

Erased Out Part 2

Alienia turned her eyes as much as she could to look at the guy who sat next to her.

He had dark hair, mostly black, but brown strands shown through. He looked slightly older than she was, seventeen at most. She couldn't see his eyes from her angle, but she looked down at the book he was reading. From what was on the page, it looked similarly to a book about managing businesses.

She was snapped out of her observation by the announcements ending and the class talking amongst one another. A few students were starting to walk in her direction and Alienia felt herself clutch her notebook tighter.

"Miss Alienia, right?" The boy who had spoken out earlier was the first to address her. Alienia nodded slowly. "My name is Kaye. Like the Round Table knight. Kaye Andersmith."

Alienia opened her notebook and wrote something down before turning it around to face Kaye. -Nice to meet you Kaye Andersmith.-

"Nice to meet you too," he extended his hand to her, who shook it. "So you are the scholarship student? First one in seven years, just so you know. People here aren't used to someone transferring in this late."

-This late?-

"Highschool," the girl standing behind Kaye spoke up. "This academy works on an elevator system. Elementary students automatically get put in the Junior High, then they go to this campus. Name's Genelle Roberts."

Alienia responded in her notebook again. -Isn't that known as an escalator system?-

Genelle giggled behind her hand. "Elevator, escalator. Same difference. I get them mixed up."

"So what club are you going to join?" Kaye asked.


"Oh, you may not know yet. Every student, unless you are a Senior at this campus, must join some kind of extracurricular activity. Helps make friends and allies with similar interests for later. You know our student body are mostly prestigious and wealthy students, right?" Alienia nodded. "Well, with these clubs, allies for later business and markets are found and made. And if someone has way to much time on their hands, joining a club is better than going home to an empty house."

"Yeah, we have everything from Tennis to Animation, every kind of sport you can think of, and even year-round committees for every event we hold, including the school Open House," Genelle continued on for Kaye.

-What clubs are you in?-

"Kaye here is in the Student Body Council. He's the secretary. I'm in the Beading and Jewelry Club with Miss Celia here," Genelle motioned to the girl who had been standing next to her. "I think there is a list of clubs somewhere. Kaye?"

"I have a copy of the list in my bag, wait a moment."

As Kaye went over to his desk, Celia looked over to Alienia before introducing herself.

"So, my name is Celia Cole," the soft voice was barely audible. "Forgive me if I don't speak too much, I never have been good around people I don't know."

-Don't worry Miss Celia, I don't have much to say most of the time myself.-

Celia smiled and blushed as Kay finally came back with a stapled packet.

Author's Note: Oooh, the plot thickens! What is going to happen in Part 3? Sorry this is a bit late in the day, it was a holiday and I didn't want to type today...Give me credit, I'm getting tired from sitting in one position. And I still need to get dinner. Hope you enjoyed this part with the new characters! I was trying to go for more normal names than what I use for my short stories and novels. And last names are hard too. First names I just use ones I know. I just love Celia's! It works with Alienia! If you don't get the reference, you don't know Shakespeare. At all.

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