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Monday, August 2, 2010

Lone Artist - Co-writen by Ishymaru, dedicated to him

Outside a tinted window
Outside where she could never go
Birds sing and the wind blows
The sun shines and animals roam
Somewhere she can never go
The sakura blooms, the flowers wave
Inside it always stays the same
Only her drawings change
White walls, white bed
A tinted window to the outside
She sits all alone
No friends, and no family
Nothing but her drawings
A reminder of the outside
Inside, nobody tells her anything
That her time is running short
Everything in life has a limit
And one quiet day,
As the rising sun shines on her drawings,
She is found with a drawing in her hand
And she sleeps forever
She sleeps with her family
Sleeps forever


Peace in broken in a small town
As I stare at the scene, how it ended
Blood everywhere, on the street, on the cars
No-one looks at me as they take a body away
I see my friends, they are all crying
I scream, I yell, I say "This isn't me"
The one who's lying there
Can't be me
They can't see me, I am gone
Underneath all this earth
And I wait, watch them go
They don't know I'm still here
As I recall, my past life
How it was ended by someone I never knew
On that quiet night in a small town

Only Me

Her anger flashes as she walks home
Holding in her tear, none should see
Living in a large world all alone
As she walks, taunts float by, names in her head
To remain a stone, none can break
Wearing a mask so no one can see her true self
Grasping thin threads of life so she remembers
That she is me
Hiding pain only she can bear
Knowing only she has the burden
That she must carry for her whole life
She hears comments that cut deep in her skin
Her anger runs deep in her veins, trying to hold it in
Hiding behind a normal life, until it cracks
The thin threads break as she can barely remember
That she is me
Only me

Untitled - in the style of ee cummings

in the air, cries of silence
must none see, the tears on her face
rolling along, leaving a path
as her sunset rise, and sunrises sets
none for else only she
burden to carry
her own life she can’t live
no hope can she have
a necklace loose around her neck
a leash, a collar, more like
life goes on outside
a slight tear still forms
must none see
to be a doll
strong yet silent
away hidden
all her feelings
she does nothing, feels nothing

Poets Anonymous First Day!

So finally I have a nice little blog to help other poets get great ideas. Now this is a blog to help people get good ideas, meet other poets like yourself, and have fun writing about what you love.
I know its cliche, but I have run out of ideas. I do not want anybody saying something not appropriate. Also don't steal peoples ideas. Ask them if you use the idea to create your own poem.
Other than that have fun looking at other people creative writing! Hope to see some great poems in the future!