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Friday, May 20, 2011

His Promise

I was in my little village tending to my garden
When he rode up on a horse, so perfectly white
He was just passing through to stay at our village of Arden
I had never seen a man who took my breath away.
He took one look at me and I could see
He felt the same way towards me
And he whispered these words in my ear
"Meet me in the shade of the river willow tree."
I met my knight that evening dark
He promised to take me away
Away to live together far to the horizon
"I will take you in the month of May."
As he rode off on a horse, so perfectly white
One day, I knew, he would return to me
As everyday I remembered his promise
To take me away in the month of May.
The month of May was halfway over
Yet, I waited everyday for the return of my lover
Trusting his promise
That he will come back to me
To be in his arms again.
And two years later
I see a far off white horse appear
With a rider trying to go a fast as he can
As he jumped down and picked me up and twirled me around.
"My dearest Lady, can you ever forgive me?"
I nod and we kiss each other for the first time
So I ride off with my knight.
Though he may not be the bravest
Or may not be the strongest
He is my knight who remembered and kept his promise
To return for me when he returned.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Minds problems.

It hurts to know your in pain,
It hurts to know how you feel,
I can't stop my mind from thinking of you.
All the saddness you must go through,
All the pain you must live through,
Yet I can't say the words out loud.
You have a life in your own world,
You have a dream you hold dear to,
I'm always screaming them in my head.
Why am I not strong enough,
Why am I to weak,
All I want to do.
Is to say I love you.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


You watch with glazed eyes
You don't see what is front of you
As I break under pressure
Breaking, cracking, until I collapse
I lock myself away
Screaming into the mirror
Crying at myself
Stop screaming!
As I look into my own eyes
Digustingly dark eyes
I wonder if I'd be missed
I'm ugly!I'm trapped!
I want help! I don't want to go!
Let me go, just let me dissapear
Everything would be better if I were pretty
My mask is hideous I'm hideous
Help me! Please!
Tears as I chop off my long bangs
I want to be free!
Help me!
Just a small haircut
The pressure broke a lonely soul
A soul that screaming for help.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Please Come Back

When will you return to me?
This world seems too big
This ocean too far to cross
As I stare across it,
Waiting for you to sail up with your smile
With stories of your adventures
Keeping me entertained through the night
When will you return to me?
Another day ends
Without you next to me
As I keep watching for you,
Never moving from my spot to watch
Seeing if you're back here again
My one only own
When will you return to me?
And when you've returned
I'll say those words
That you promised to say to me
And I already know my answer
To be together forever
So please come back
When will you return to me, my one only own?

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Song Of The Battle Epilogue

I was brought before the King and his counsel
As I was found out for being a woman.
My face was behind a mask since the day you died
When they asked me why I went into battle
"I am a warrior"
When they asked me why I cried and screamed that day
"He died"
They were unimpressed by my lack of response
"I went into battle to serve instead of cower in a corner,
"I cried because I loved him!
"He knew I was a woman but still let me fight."
A soldier would normally have been sentenced to the stocks
For loving another soldier.
A woman would normally have been executed publicly
For being in the army.
Because of my victory and my valor, I lived
You were given a hero's burial on the field.
I built myself a house near a river and made myself a living in the village
As the years past, I walked everyday to see you.
The scars that were left on my heart that day haven't faded
I sit next to you on that field, telling you how much I love you
Though you can't be here with me.
The only place where I every remove my mask is with you
Where I can sit and talk to you with my real smile
Even though you are gone, I still sing my song to you.

Song Of The Battle Part 3 Final Act

Now you knew my secret, but nothing had changed
You still fought with me in the field,
My deputy by day and lover by night
We started to win the war,
And you were making plans to live together
"Let's live peacefully after all this war."
I agreed as the final battle approached.
We will win and be happy!
I led the troops with you charging down next to me.
We surprised the enemy and broke their ranks
As our killing and winning streak continued.
During the mists of the battle, you lost sight of me
I was off fighting the leader of our enemy,
While you were in my mind as I swung my sword and blocked his blows.
With a crash, I broke his sword and won this battle and war!
We signed our peace in paper and went off to spread our news.
Our army then went off to bury our dead
I hadn't seen you since that morning.
"Captain!" A cry came up from my page from across the field.
There you were. Blood on your clothes. Breathing low and shallow.
Forgetting my place, I dropped to the ground. "We won."
"You stay brave, Capt'n. You will keep living for me."
You lifted your hand to my face and held it by my cheek.
"Farewell. I love-"
As your hand fell down and nothing stirred,
Tears coursed down my face silently
Ignoring the soldiers that were looking at me
I screamed my anguish into the heavens
For taking you away from me.