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Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Update On E.O.!

Hey guys, sorry I have gotten 5 weeks behind on typing out the story. I do have an excuse though.

First off, writing this story is really hard. The setting is alien to me, the way they would act, and having to hand write each part is really hard as well.
I'm also in a writer's hole right now. That's like Writer's Block, but harder to get out of. I have been writing, but it's only terribly written fanfics about my dream life. It sucks.....a lot....
And lastly, I've gotten distracted by dA. I have some friends on there that I have fun following and they write really well too. I've just been dying everywhere lately.

So, that's my really bad excuse. I'm really sorry!! I might get Ishy to type out the next parts again, but I left at a huge cliffhanger, and I really like my cliffhanger. So, I will get them up, it's just really, really late. Senior Projects are evil.