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Monday, March 7, 2011

Song of the Wars

Quiet tears on a stained face
A song echoes across the land but goes unheard
By those who the song is sung for.
Those long forgotten or those just gone
This land suffered much under the calm exterior
This land once soaked in the blood of it's people
Those now forgotten and gone
For those the song is sung
Unheard by all except the survivors
The last one is the singer
The last to stay alive from the battle
Battle from many years ago
They fought for freedom and rights
Men and boys dieing in their prime
The guns firing and swords clashing
The swords swung together and in a deadlock
The swords bring the two fighters close
But one must fall as the other goes to the next battle
Swords piercing the soft flesh of the stomach
Man dieing by your arms
He was the only one to see the singer at what they were
He saw the long hair and frightened face of a girl
She tries to get the image out
Blood stained face then instead of tears now
"Why" singer asks "Why"
As she looks in the calm water
"I don't know"
"Of course. Because You're me."
I walked off again off the field that changed me
The field where I killed the enemy
A girl in the army of boys made to fight
I leave the field behind me
On the field is a single tombstone
"For those unable to hear the Song Of The Battle"